My parents went with Joseph & me to meet with my oncologist. The office was old looking & every patient in there that day was at least 25 years older than I was. However, the appointment went well. She discussed treatment options, got a history on me & did an exam. I was still numb even through all of this. It was as if my brain couldnt fully process what was going on.
We scheduled an MRI because we had to verify that the cancer had not spread anywhere else before we began treatment. We had planned to head out of town 2 days later & luckily my dr felt completely alright with that. Joseph & I went to community group that night. I was really ready to talk much about it but the guys met separately & they spent about 30 minutes praying for us. The next evening the time had come to let our church family know. We had told the elders & their families, as well as a handful of others but an email went out & that was that. Thursday night Joseph & I left for the beach. We set up a schoolcast at work & notified all of the staff so they wouldn't be unaware of what was happening. Then Joseph & I went off the grid with my family. I ignored much on the phone & social media. We did find out that they prayed for us during church on Sunday & my community group girls videochatted with me so they could pray as well. Joseph & I spent the week cherishing our family & relaxing as best we could. If only we knew what was coming next.